Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Good grief! Oh, crumbs!

Here's a little nostalgia for you guys, but especially Firecracker George. Just break out the Legos and a bowl of Spaghettios while you watch this to complete the mood:


Dutch said...

Honestly, by the time this show came on I was usually conked out on the couch. I don't ever remember watching a complete episode.

Swany said...

Yet you were always drawing Danger Mouse during school. I was always jealous because I didn't have cable back then, and couldn't watch it.

Dutch said...

That wasn't Danger Mouse. That was Scratch's Motor Mouse. Remember the race car / batmobile thingies we made out of pink erasers?

Swany said...

Ah, now I remember. Getting my memories mixed up, although I still recall going to your house after school once or twice and catching the end of Danger Mouse with the big bedsheet full of Legos spread out on your living room floor.

Wander said...

Late post on this, but I remember you watching this over at my house, Swany, quite a few times. We had more then one discussion about how different the post boxes were in England compared to America.
I remember the strangest crap.