Thursday, May 17, 2007

Michael Bay, Transformers. Yeah, the idea is growing on me...

I never watch American Idol. NEVER. Last night was an exception, though, only because I was too lazy to change the channel or even turn the TV off. My payoff for enduring an hour of Ryan Seacreast? A 30 second trailer for Transformers, complete with a rather cool glimpse of Starscream. Let's hope they ditched his whiny voice from the cartoon:

UPDATE: Actually, this trailer is even better.


Dutch said...

DOOOOOOD! That second one is PIMP!

Anonymous said...

That second trailer is really cool. There are parts of it that remind me of Independence Day, but I don't care. It still looks cool, and I will go see it.

Wander said...

As all know, I am really looking forward to this film, and predict it will be awesome. But, I have to warn you, almost every voice actor from the original cartoon is reprising thier role for this... And I'm 90% sure that includes whiny Starscream.
I saw that trailer before Spiderman 3 and almost plotzed! You should see it on the big screen. Tellulah thought I was going to have a siezure I was so excited.