Thursday, May 3, 2007

Trivial Survival Tip #2

In a survival situation there are only a few things you must have. You need shelter from the elements, water, and food. A must have intangible element in all of this though is most certainly the WILL TO LIVE. Without that, then you are most certainly going to die if faced with the daunting task of survival.

As I read through my survival book, there are times that I have to make sure that the knowledge I gain must be filed in the Will to Live category. There are just some things that I could never imagine doing, but choosing between life and death would cause me to do some of those things. Today's tip falls into that category.

If you are looking for food and you are stranded along a seashore then you should consider yourself lucky because it teems with life. One such menu item is an octopus which is best hunted at night. You can attract them with a light and then spear them. During the day you can look for signs of an octopus. Look for a hole with empty shells around it. There is a strong chance that within it is your dinner, which you can catch with some bait on a hook.

"The best way to kill an octopus is to turn it inside out: place a hand inside the fleshy hood, grab the innards and pull hard. Try it on a small octopus first! It takes practice so until you are proficient stab the octopus between the eyes or bang it against a rock."

Alrighty then. Filed under the will to live category.

Thanks for the tip Lofty.

1 comment:

Dutch said...

If you held it by the end of its tentacles and swung it over your head a few times, I bet you could get enough momentum to smash that sucker against a rock, but good.

Of course, it will probably release its ink as you swing it, and paint the surrounding area.