Monday, May 21, 2007


Still a whole year away for The Dark Knight to hit theaters, and I'm already excited. Here's Harvey Dent before he becomes Two Face, but the really big reveal? The JOKER!


Wander said...

I was just preparing my blog about this with the same photo to head it and lo and behold, Swany, you beat me.
And as I've already told Crackah, they have the facial scar down perfectly, now if he didn't get it from some Country Club tennis accident, or equally inane reason, it may all just turn out all right.
And no parades with purple clad gang members reaking a very subdued and mediocre havoc while Prince plays on a ridicullously oversized jambox. You know what, just make that first Batman dissapear all together and life would probably be better.

Wander said...

Interesting turn of events around this:

So is it real or not? Doesn't actually look to be.

Swany said...

Well, I don't know if this was real or not, but it was a brilliant piece of advertising, nonetheless.

And if the Joker doesn't look like that next summer, I'll be extremely disappointed.