Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Take a bow, guys...

Yes, I know there's a bunch of people on MySpace, FaceBook, Second Life, and YouTube, not to mention the millions of bloggers on the internet. But, I'd like to think the contributions of The Life and Times of Chester Cheetah and the Kool-Aid Gang managed to put us over the top in this year's Time magazine Person of the Year contest to beat out the likes of Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iraq insurgents, the YouTube guys, Chuck Norris...

Funny that the online commercial I had to watch to get to the Time Person of the Year article was from Chrysler with the ad line "You may not be the Person of the Year, but you can drive like one." I'm sure the Daimler-Chrysler ad agency is feeling a bit stupid now.


Anonymous said...

Long live the gang.

Wander said...

Finally, we recieve the recognition we so richly deserve. I just hope it comes with a major award... like a leg lamp.