Thursday, December 7, 2006

Someone, please teach this girl how to spell "adequate"...

I know it's wrong to make fun of people, no matter how dumb or self-important they are. But somehow, Lindsay Lohan just throws herself out there for ridicule. Recently, there were the reports that she joined an Alcoholics Anonymous group. Considering she's not even old enough to legally drink yet, that's either pretty sad that she would suffer from alcoholism at such a young age or a bit maddening that she would try and blame her party image on a serious disease she doesn't have.

Now there's this random email that's made the rounds supposedly written by Lohan as she had some grand epiphany on her Blackberry. I'm sure Scootypuff could have all kinds of fun with her grammar, although I guess she should be cut a bit of slack considering this was thumb-typed on a tiny cellphone while she was probably drunk and stoned. Here's just a taste:

The way of the future-Howard Hughes once said. I am willing to release a politically/morally correct, fully adequite letter to the press if any of you are willing to help. Simply to state my oppinions on how our society should be educated on for the better of our country. Our people. Also because I have such an impact on our younger generations, as well as generations older than me. Which we all know and can obviously see.
I'm guessing she picked up that Howard Hughes quote from Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator. I can't imagine she can actually read something as complicated as a biography. The sad fact, though, is that quite a number of girls and women actually do look up to her. The sadder fact is that she probably has friends that got this email, and found it enlightening. The even sadder fact is her delusional idea that she knows "how our society should be educated."

1 comment:

Dutch said...

Are you sure it wasn't Borat who wrote that?

Actually, I'm glad that she is attending AA meetings. Whether or not she is a full blown alcoholic, she has a substance abuse problem. And I'd waging what little possessions I have that it stems from her childhood trauma. That's basically what AA does; it helps you recognize why you were self-medicating in the first place.

As for her revelations, well she's what, 20? 21? She's young, and worse, she's a celebrity - a category of people who are usually told whatever they want to hear and are rarely called on their b.s.

So, as far as digging on her grammar or her enlightenment, that would be like celebrating because you can slam dunk the Fisher Price basket.

But as for making fun of people, true, it's generally not nice. However a well-placed zinger can sometimes open a person's eyes. It's just that that person would need to be receptive to it, rather than just defensive about it.

And I seriously doubt that Lindsay Lohan reads the Kool-Aid blog, although - like the rest of the world - it would behoove her to do so.

Who knows? Maybe if she gets her crap together, she can be a role model for how to lead a fulfilling life despite past troubles and indiscretions.