Thursday, December 21, 2006

I think he just insulted truck drivers and fat people...

I don't know if any of you have been keeping up with the recent news about Tara Conner, this year's Miss USA, who almost lost her crown after she allegedly was caught getting drunk in NYC bars (she's only 20), snorting cocaine, and making out with Miss Teen USA.

After Donald Trump (who owns the pageant) gave her a second chance to clean up, Rosie O'Donnell used the opportunity to rip into him on The View. Well, I guess The Donald isn't one to let Rosie off that easy, and gave her a piece of his mind in a way that only the filthy rich can get away with. But, I can't say I feel bad for Rosie right now, after that half-assed apology she gave to the Asian community after her ching-chong comments earlier in the month.

1 comment:

Dutch said...

I can't say that I'm a fan of either of them. They have both acted childishly. Trump sounds like a middle-school student in his tirade. Fat? Ugly? Loser? And then he says that she is making a personal attack? I'm suprised he didn't call her a doo-doo head.

And at one point, wasn't Rosie called the queen of nice? What happened there? Was it the time when she invited Tom Selleck on to her show and then attacked him because he had different views on gun control? Did the damn break and all of her anger came flooding out, never to ebb again?

The weird thing to me is, when she was in the closet, she was nicer. You'd think that coming out and living honestly would make her happier.

I do have to agree with O'Donnel that Trump does not make a good moral compass. Then again, I don't think people should emulate her behaviors, either.