Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Living vicariously through those braver than me (or dumber than me, depending on your perspective)...

Yeah, forget what I posted about the Bugatti and crapping in my pants. That's nothing compared to what it would be like to try and follow these guys around:

And just to compete my theme of recklessness, this is a classic short film C'etait un rendez-vous by French film maker Claude LeLouch adapted for a Snow Patrol video. I've also included the original film, if you'd rather hear the nice roar of an automobile engine shifting through the gears as he frantically races through the streets of Paris. Pretty crazy stuff, but pretty cool, too:


Anonymous said...

Is it a car or a motorcycle?

Anonymous said...

After watching more I guess it is a car based on the sound of the squeling tires.

Swany said...

Yes, I think it was a car, although there is speculation that the sound was dubbed in. Look the film up on Wikipedia some time--kind of interesting.