Thursday, March 29, 2007

Did you vote?

Well, I cast my vote yesterday. I was proud to say that I was in the first 6000 people to vote for the Star Wars stamp that the USPS is putting out in late May. I went with Luke standing there with the two suns in the background. It was a tough decision. Darth Maul has easily replaced the cool bad-ass mystique that Boba Fett once carried. Leia giving R2 the plans to the death star is a classic, and how could Yoda or Vader not make it. Well, I think it goes to Luke because I seem to connect with this scene especially being from where I am. There is beauty in where he is from, but there seems to be great adventure elsewhere. I find it a moment of great introspection that I have had on many occasions. So Luke gets my bid.


Swany said...

I went with Han and Chewie. Leia/R2 was my second choice.

W.M. Scratch said...

As one of the mindless masses trudging to work, I went with the Storm Troopers. I also became a "Jedi Shipping & Mailing Master."

W.M. Scratch said...

What, no Jar Jar Binks stamp?

W.M. Scratch said...

Yoda with the stars drawn around his head looks drunk, in the same way intoxication is drawn in comics.

Swany said...

Yes, that's the secret of utilizing the Force--get plastered, and you'll see things much more clearly.

And no Ewoks stamps either. Go figure.