Thursday, March 8, 2007

It's not as frakked up as you think...

I know Battlestar Galactica has ended up on some of your "probation" lists, but I hope everyone caught the most recent episode "Maelstrom" this past Sunday. For those that did not or have ignored all the blog traffic related to the ending of that episode, I'll write the spoiler info here in invisotext:

They killed off Starbuck! Or at least she won't be in the show for awhile until they resurrect her character somehow. Perhaps she's one of the final five?

Some promising news I found out while listening to the Ronald D. Moore podcast commentary this week while driving in my car is that he considers this episode sort of the beginning of the third and final act of the show, meaning he does see an end in sight. Most rumor boards say that he's aiming for a five season run which would allow him to develop the underlying mythology enough to bring it to a final conclusion, and to make the Hollywood executives happy since this is the magic number that allows for syndication later on.

Another interesting tidbit from the podcast: The ending scene with Edward James Olmos where he demolishes his model ship was completely improvised. Apparently, the ship was a museum-quality piece worth tens of thousands of dollars that the set designers were actually just renting to use for the show which Olmos was completely unaware of. I wonder who gets the bill for that?


Anonymous said...

Invisotext ... nice, but I must say that my curiousity with how it worked got the best of me. Thinking that the spoil wouldn't be in the first few words I decided to give it a shot.

Well, now I can give my wife a hard time about me knowing what is going to happen.

Swany said...

Yeah, I don't use invisotext enough. They tend to use this it alot on spoiler sites like Ain't It Cool News and fan forums. Just shows you how much of a nerd I am.

I told my wife in bewilderment what happened, and she just said, "meh."

Tinsie said...

That was a great episode. The scene with the model ship was my favourite!
5 BSG seasons would be fab.