Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Talk about a blow to your ego...

It's one thing to lose an election. And based on post-election analyses, today's shift in Congressional power wasn't necessarily because the Democratic candidates were so desirable. Rather, the American people wanted to show their distaste for the current GOP leadership.

However, nothing really exemplifies this more than losing to a dead candidate:

Dead Woman Wins Election
November 09, 2006

MARIE Steichen died two months ago but she still beat a Republican in a battle to become a county commissioner for a small South Dakota town in the US elections.

Jerauld county auditor Cindy Peterson said that the election list closed on August 1, and while Ms Steichen died from cancer in September her name was kept on the list for yesterday's election.

Ms Steichen beat a Republican rival by 100 votes to 64 and Ms Peterson said she believed that voters knew the woman was dead but wanted to make their political point.

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