Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This from Pearl Jam?

Based on the results of Super Tuesday, it looks like Barack Obama may have a chance to squeak by Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, which would make me happy on so many levels. Considering John McCain pretty much has the Republican side of things wrapped up (barring Chuck Norris roundhouse kicking him out into space in his support of Mike Huckabee), I can foresee an Obama vs. McCain matchup come November. It's strange that I find it hard to decide which one of these guys I'd vote for, considering that their platforms are polar opposites in many ways. I head this campaign song for Obama, though, that was written and performed by a few members of Pearl Jam which made me think twice. I'm almost leaning back to the right just so I won't have to hear "Rock Around Barack" endlessly on election night.

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