Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Kirstie Alley and Kelly Preston to the rescue...

I tend to get bothered by celebrities mouthing off about the evils of modern science, when most of the time they have no idea what in the heck they're talking about.  Put on a bonafide person with a respectable degree who's actually dug into the research from peer-reviewed literature instead of someone who's had a few superficial conversations with anecdotal cases and gained most of their "scientific" knowledge from Wikipedia, and I might listen.  March out on the street yelling and waving inflammatory signs with statements that have absolutely no merit, and I just want to throw an egg at you.  

Most of the time, I think the fanatic wackiness of Scientology is overblown and feel like everyone should just leave them alone.  But then, I see crap like this:

It's one thing to demand the medical community investigate possible links of anti-depressive medications to suicidal ideation.  It's quite another to insinuate psychiatrists are drug dealers and kid killers.  Kirstie Alley's kid looks depressed just having to march with this group of bozos.


Dutch said...

Sometimes I think that's the only real enduring legacy of the civil rights movement. People think that if you march and hold signs up that you can get your cause instituted, no matter how stupid it is.

Granted, there is some truth to people being over or improperly medicated. But the Scientologists want to dismiss all of psychology and physical medicine because of these few instances, while blissfully ignoring all the good that comes from modern medicine. It's completely retarded. It's like saying, "Some people have had allergic reactions to peanuts and died from eating them. We should get rid of all food! No food for anybody! We want to be healthy, and free from it's evil."

Don't give Scientologists a break. They don't deserve it. Anyone who follows the teachings of such a well-documented liar is not using the brain they were given. Any and all positive aspects of Scientology were stolen from other sources (notably Freudian depth psychology) and given a new Xenu-friendly name. Scientologists are idiots. If Chuck Norris were a Scientologist, I'd call him an idiot to his face.

Anonymous said...

And you would then get a roundhouse kick to the face, but then after watching your head spin around the Scientologist might not be able to dispell the "No Evil Exists" myth.