Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yo Joe, Yo Joe, Yo Joe, Yo Joe, Du-na-na-na-na-na-na...

I think only Firecracker George (or maybe even Wankmaster and Wander) may get that reference in the title of this post. Well, having been a bit lax and getting beat to the punch regarding The Hobbit, I thought I'd have to come up with some even cooler film news. Yeah, that's right--break out your Yo Joe Cola, 'cause Paramount Pictures is making G.I. Joe: The Movie! WOOHOO!

They've already cast Snake Eyes (Ray Park of Darth Maul fame), Storm Shadow (Korean actor Byun-Hun Lee), and Scarlett (Rachel Nichols, the Sydney Bristow replacement of sorts in the last season of Alias).  Sienna Miller has also signed on, although the descriptions of her role seem to make it sound like she's playing either the Baroness, Lady Jaye, or some new character all together.  

Granted the old cartoon and comic book weren't the most mature or sophisticated things we ever enjoyed back then, but the basic premise of it all still seems kind of cool.  Done right, this movie might actually have the potential of being really good (or could devolve into something completely embarrasing).  So long as they leave out any, "Cooooobraaaa la-la-la-la-la-la!!!"  And if they throw in some G.I. Joe PSA ads at the end, even better!


Anonymous said...

Pork Chop Sandwich!!

Dutch said...

Check out the Reggae one and the Ice one. Holy crap those are funny.