Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Booyah! I scooped Swany!

I caught wind of this today. It looks like Peter Jackson will do the Hobbit movies after all. And yes, you read that right. The word is they're doing the Hobbit in two movies so they don't have to leave a bunch of it out.

Click here to read the news I posted before the Pimp did.


Anonymous said...

Even I got a little jazzed that you beat Swany to the punch. It's kind of like having a friend who is really good at a certain game. They are so good that you brag about it to the friends outside your circle. But when one within the circle beats the great one, I can't help but utter a low tone, "oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh."

Swany said...

Actually, I caught wind of that news a day or two ago, but wasn't as excited since it doesn't mention anything about Peter Jackson actually directing the films--he's only the executive producer, for now.