Thursday, December 13, 2007

Almost as bad as making Bond drive a BMW instead of an Aston Martin...

If you haven't heard yet, NBC has plans to release a reinvented pilot of Knight Rider in a couple of months they're hoping might spawn interest in an entire new series. Now, you can make fun of the Hoff all you want and mock the corny plotlines of the original series back in the 80's, but as a kid, I thought Knight Rider was the coolest thing on TV. I had hopes that this new iteration would have the potential to be on par with another recent update of a classic Glen Larson-produced show--Battlestar Galactica. Alas, by the looks of some of the pictures, this might actually turn out even dumber than the original. As much as I like the Shelby Cobra, it seems completely wrong as K.I.T.T. More pics at Ain't It Cool News.

Oh, and the new voice of the Knight Industries Three Thousand supercar? None other than Arrested Development's George Oscar Bluth II. Huh? Will Arnett?!

If David Hasselhoff actually does make a cameo, I'll be convinced this is supposed to be a spoof comedy, and will be looking for Leslie Nielsen to pop out at some point in the show.


Dutch said...

Is that guy's mullet supposed to be an homage to the decade that spawned the original show?

Anonymous said...

Homage?! Bring it back dude!