Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Maybe if he was drinking less on the job, Porkins would have been the hero of the Rebels instead of Luke...

An astrokeg (yes, that's KEG) droid? You'd think there would be more of these in the Star Wars universe considering how depressed everyone must have been being under Imperial rule.

And I can't believe this Porkins Lego model built by Count Blockula actually looks like Porkins!

More homemade Star Wars-related Lego models at Gizmodo.


Anonymous said...

Something tells me that Cunt Blockula doesn't have many friends of the opposite sex. When you have time to make Pricess Leia lego figurines and she is wearing the Jaba's palace attire, then you probably don't have much time to date.

Wait, how did I ever find someone to marry ME?

Swany said...

I ask that question everday, man. Everyday.