Monday, September 8, 2008

How cool would this be?

Shear speculation and rumor at this point, but according to Michael Caine, the suits at Warner Brothers are already considering a rather awesome pair of actors for the next Batman sequel. From Cinematical:

Here's what he told MTV: "I was with [a Warner Bros.] executive and I said, 'Are we going to make another one?' They said yeah. I said, 'How the hell are we going to top Heath? And he says 'I'll tell you how you top Heath - Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin.' I said, 'S–t, they've done it again!'"


Dutch said...

Yeah, that would do it. At least I have faith in Hoffman. I think Depp could do a good riddler.

Anonymous said...

What is your hesitation with Depp? You know I actually thought Jim Carey did a good job when he did the riddler, but my Batman knowledge doesn't compare to the rest of the gangs'.

Dutch said...

Most of what I've seen Depp do has been really good. Everything I've seen Hoffman do is brilliant.

I think Riddler would be cool if they focused on his obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depp could do a good job with that. Where the Joker's background was a complete mystery, I think focusing on how Edward Nygma became the Riddler would be cool.

I read that Christopher Nolan thought Penguin would be hard to translate to the feel of the films, although he would like to have Hoffman play a role. One idea I heard for the Penguin is as a British arms dealer.

Swany said...

Everything I've seen Hoffman do is brilliant.

Even Twister?

W.M. Scratch said...

Even Patch Adams...

Dutch said...

That I've seen Hoffman do. When I saw him in Twister, I didn't know who he was. He wasn't bad though - the character was two dimensional. I don't think I've seen Patch Adams.

Heck, I even loved his neurotic closet gay man working as a gaffer in porn character he did in Boogie Nights.