Sunday, June 15, 2008

You know, Wander, they do sell Depends in bulk at Costco...

I generally enjoyed reading Punisher back in the day, but I was never a fanatic about it like Wander. I don't know what he thought about the two movie adaptations. I vaguely remember seeing the Dolph Lundgren one, and thinking it was crap. I never made it through the last version with Thomas Jane as Frank Castle. I missed it in the theater and tried watching it on TV some Saturday afternoon, but something about John Travolta as these over-the-top villains makes me want to change the channel. Anywho, a third version, Punisher: War Zone, comes out later on in the year. I guess it looks sort of promising:


Dutch said...

Third time is a charm, hopefully. I never saw the first one, but to call the second one a piece of shit is an insult to feces. Wow, I hate this movie more than broccoli.

Dutch said...

I just watched the video. It looks like a turd. I hate John Woo-esque spin around and shoot, no brains, teenage tough-guy wanna be flicks.

Once again, it looks like they have pissed away a potentially great story, just to appease the 12 year olds.

Wander said...

I have to agree on this one. I don't think anyone in Hollywood really gets what the Punisher is about But, I have to say that his story is getting pretty dated. Vietnam Vets are now too old to be a hero, the first Gulf War was too much a joke to be used for backstory, and the current gulf war is just too tragic all together.
Thomas Jane was the perfect casting choice for the Punisher, but the movie sucked. I can't say I even recognize this new guy, but I don't see the Punisher in him at all.
Gonna pass on this one I think.

Swany said...

Like the new avatar, Wander.

Yeah, I wasn't sure what you'd think of this trailer. Like I typed, I wasn't the biggest fan of the Punisher to begin with. Please don't shoot me for saying that. ;-)

As far as the rap on John Woo, FG, try watching some his older stuff like Hard Boiled. Good stuff, or maybe it was just that Chow Yun Fat is bad ass.

Dutch said...

I like Chow Yun Fat, I've seen hard boiled, I still think John Woo is a crappy director.