Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For the love of Kool-Aid, update the sidebar!

There is still a reference to me as Scootypuff jr. (A name I miss, but my reasons for changing it are still valid) It is as stale as a Cheeto that fell through the couch cushions and past the pull out bed to the the floor, with the dust bunnies and the toe nail clippings.


Seriously, I think half of it is older than most of our children.

I'm stuck in training today for something I literally will never use. Dear god I'm bored.

How did I ever make it through high school?

And when I come to the blog to salve my ennui, what do I find? References to The Departed and The Prestige! Those movies came out more than a year ago. YOU LAZY CUR! I should make the four hour drive to come up there and horsewhip you!

1 comment:

Swany said...

Yeah, I've been wanting to update the sidebar for awhile. I even thought about, God forbid, removing the Random Chuck Norris Fact and replacing them with Random Daily Quotes from The Hoff.


If anyone's got suggestions on what to do with the sidebar, I'd be happy to read them.

Until then, I guess I'll remove the Seal of Approval section, since I'll admit, they are a bit outdated.