Thursday, June 12, 2008


I may be the only one of Kool-Aid Gang who actually watches Grey's Anatomy, in which case the mild humor of the title of this post will be lost on most of you. It's actually Lemon's favorite show (she even likes it more than 30 Rock), which gives me an easy excuse to watch girlie television such as this.

Most of the time, I kind of roll my eyes, though, at all the preposterous story lines they come up with. It makes ER seem down right boring at times. Add to the fact, I can't understand why surgical residents seem to be taking care of every problem that enters fictional Seattle Grace Hospital whether it be guy encased in concrete or lady with a simple cough.

Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah. So Katherine Heigl is one of the rising stars that came out of this show, having essentially broken out into the big screen with Knocked Up. Unfortunately, with all the success she had with that film, she ended up badmouthing the movie for it's portrayal of women as humorless. That seemed a bit in poor taste, considering the movie was what has now made her a bankable movie star. Now comes this latest slap in the face to those that led her to her fame. Apparently, she felt that despite the lousy scriptwriting this season, her acting was of such high caliber that she had to make sure she removed herself from Emmy contention so as not to steal the award from someone else:

"I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination and in an effort to maintain the integrity of the academy organization" decided against competing, Heigl said in a written statement provided by her publicist, Melissa Kates, who was contacted by the AP.

"In addition, I did not want to potentially take away an opportunity from an actress who was given such materials," added Heigl. She plays Dr. Izzie Stevens on "Grey's Anatomy," which slipped in the ratings this past season but remained a top 10 show.
Man, talk about an inflated ego. I remember when Bill Cosby used to remove himself from contention every year. Of course, that was after he kept winning. In comparison, Heigl won one Emmy for a supporting role--ONE!

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