Saturday, November 17, 2007

Spidermen of the world unite...

I'm not exactly sure what I just watched:

And on a somewhat related note, Spiderman was seen rescuing babies in Brazil:

A five-year-old boy dressed as Spider-Man became a real life hero when he saved a baby girl from a burning house in Brazil.

Pint-sized superhero Riquelme Maciel stepped into the house to pull the one-year-old to safety after he saw her mother crying. The boy had been playing with a friend in his back yard when they spotted smoke coming from the window of a wooden house. Using his Spidey senses he ran to tell the baby's mother Lucilene dos Santos, but she was too afraid to enter the blazing house.

Without hesitating, the tiny masked crusader decided he would brave the flames to save baby Andrieli from her cradle. Mrs Santos told reporters: "He said, 'don't cry, don't scream because I'm going to save Andrielle'.

"Then I began shouting for him not to go because I was scared he would die in the fire."

But Riquelme did not think twice. After the rescue the Spider-Boy simply said: "I decided to go inside the house and save her."


Dutch said...

I'm not sure what it was, other than hilarious.

As for little Riquelme, good for him. He should of said, "Don't worry about being a bad mother, ma'am. I'll save your baby!

You cowardly harlot."

Swany said...

"Ahhhh, bella melonas!"

I will say this to my wife every night before we make love. Those Italians really know how to make women swoon.