Saturday, November 17, 2007

The most awesome rendition of the Star Wars theme ever...

Oh, words cannot describe what I thought of this lady's version of Star Wars:


Dutch said...

And I thought Italian Spiderman was funny!

That thing just gets better - or worse, depending on how you look at it - the longer it runs.

Was she thinking, "Hmmm, my horn playing isn't that strong. I'd better add some truly asinine dancing to put on a better show. Nothing impresses like a backwards twirl, not once, not twice, but THRICE!"

I do have to say that I enjoyed the costume, though. It really accentuates the vulva.

Swany said...

The bad thing is that I think I knew a couple of girls like this in band that probably would have gone up on stage and performed similar routines. And you wonder why I'm always a little embarrased of my band geek days of yore. The people I had to hang out with on those band trips...

The even sadder part of this video? I thought this was something dug up from the early 80's, in which case it wouldn't have been that bad. Well, still bad, but not THAT bad considering the things people did in the 80's. However, it turns out she performed this in 1993 for the Miss Arizona pageant. Ouch!

I'm never letting anyone film me. Ever.

Anonymous said...

That was absolutely horrible.

W.M. Scratch said...

The Sandpeople are easily startled but they will soon be back and in greater numbers (unless they have to see that again).

That was one of the greatest performances of all time. She only knew two notes, neither of which was on key.