Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A real Robocop can't be that far behind...

Dean Kamen is a world-renowned American inventor responsible for medical breakthrough devices such as the insulin pump to neat gadgets that we still don't quite know what to do with like the Segway.  His current work focuses on robotic appendages for amputees, and he's already close to perfecting a prototype arm to submit for clinical trials.  Dubbed the "Luke" arm after Luke Skywalker, this video shows just how advanced this artificial limb is in real life.  I had to blink a couple of times watching the amputee suited up with this thing because I thought I was watching a science fiction movie for a minute.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am a sick and twisted individual ... When the guy was asked what sort of things he could do that he hadn't done in 26 years, my first thought was "WIPE MY OWN ASS!" My second thought is really not printable.

That was pretty cool looking, and it has to be really exciting to see if you are an amputee.

Dutch said...

My thought was, "pleasure myself." But then again, that hand doesn't look too inviting. And what if you had a malfunction and it gripped and wouldn't let go?