Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wouldn't you like to own the North Pole?

According to a news blip I heard on CNBC today, and doing a quick internet search on the topic, it appears that all you have to do is plant a flag on the North Pole to own it. There is one problem with that though. There is no land mass, just a big block of ice floating around.

This is no problem if you are one of the richest men in the world (possibly THE richest). Vladimir Putin has decided that all he has to do is plant a flag at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in the right location and then that area belongs to Russia. So he got together some Russian Lawmakers, a big ice breaker ship, and a mini-sub. Supposedly today they planted the Russian flag there.

How do you keep the flag from deteriorating? Just make one out of Titanium and that should do the trick.

Why would you want to do such a thing? Because this area could contain 1/4 of all the undiscovered oil in the world.
Too bad the moon doesn't have oil on it. We were the first to plant a flag there. I think that we should charge other countries to use the moonlight and the tides it creates. Or better yet, why don't we go ahead and let everyone use it for free and just hurry up and find another source of energy besides oil.


Swany said...

CNBC? Don't tell me you've become one of those guys that watches the stock ticker all day and has a secret crush on Maria Bartiromo.

As far as this little Russian escapade, well, I think the Canadians or the Danes should send their own secret subs down there, and play a little international game of underwater capture the flag. How much area does a flag get you anyway?

Anonymous said...

I am not one of those guys yet. If I did have a tv in my job trailer, though, it would consistently be on CNBC for background noise. And I would glance up every once and a while to see Maria.