Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spare a square and give peace a chance...

Mark your calendars--April 18th is Poop for Peace Day.

Poop is the one experience all human beings have in common. We may have varying ideas of God and politics, but the power of an impending poop is a higher calling to which every human must answer. Side by side in a public bathroom, any two human beings are stripped of their differences and reduced to their most basic essence: a pair of feet sticking out below the stall, and a pair of butt trumpets performing a greasy symphony to lament humanity's non-negotiable deference to the call of the vile.
I'm on my way to making my poop posting quota for the month.


Anonymous said...

I gotta say the person doing this has a limited view of the world. Telling me to imagine Osama on the toilet while I am on mine doesn't work too well. I am not sure he has a toilet ... at least not of the western variety. I don't think I can truly poop for peace. Sorry.

Dutch said...

Although the doody references and imagery strains (no pun intended) even my tolerance, I thought that the message was brilliant - focus on our common humanity, rather than our differences. Our human needs and frailties are often the best common ground on which to meet, because the demands of the body trump the wants of the ego.