Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Because soy milk and Tofutti just isn't the same...

Just like the price of oil going up due to increased consumption and demand for gasoline in China, the BBC warns that milk and other dairy products might start to rise, as well. This seems to be in part due to a new initiative spearheaded by the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and an overrriding perception amongst the Chinese peasant population that they must emulate western culture in order to match them in prosperity and strength. That, and the fact that ice cream just tastes damn good. Of course, a substantial number of Asians are lactose intolerant, which is probably partially why dairy products haven't taken off more quickly in Asia despite the proliferation of the global marketplace. As you're all well aware of, I can relate to the desire for all things dairy despite my genetically programmed intestinal inability to produce enough lactase. I've tried soy and rice milk with my cereal, eaten ice cream bars made out of tofu, put soy-based cheese in my sandwiches--yuck. It's like trying to pass off a veggie burger for real beef or making bacon out of turkey. Please, don't tease me. Luckily, supplemental lactose hydrolyzing enzymes in the form of over-the-counter Lactaid are available to allow me to enjoy a bit of ice cream and cheese without having to plan for a panicked run to the bathroom.

So as China increases their consumption of milk, I suggest investing in two things: Lactase enzyme manufacturers and toilet bowl makers. Once they discover Lactaid, they'll be flying off the shelves. And considering many people will either not use them or buy fake ones on the black market that don't work, diarrhea runs to the bathroom will likely increase and more toilets will be needed. How do you like that investor speculation?


Dutch said...

an overriding perception amongst the Chinese peasant population that they must emulate western culture in order to match them in prosperity and strength.

I don't see how shitting your pants reflects prosperity or strength.

Swany said...

It would if I crapped bigger than you.