Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How ridiculous Destro's metal head looks could make or break this one for me...

Here's the second promotional picture for the upcoming G.I. Joe flick.  It's not Scarlett's usual green and khaki colored outfit, but this movie version doesn't look half bad.  

I'm slowly beginning to think this movie may actually be kind of entertaining.  


Dutch said...

You are teasing yourself, and setting yourself up for disappointment. This movie will stink like a one of those garbage cans on a hot summer day at Six Flags that someone just threw up in. Yeah, it will be that bad.

You just like the way her ass looks in the outfit. I know I do.

Anonymous said...

This is the sort of movie that you go to the theater with your high school friends, smuggle in beers, and make smart ass remarks during the whole film so that you will thoroughly enjoy yourself and the movie. Then it is a gauranteed winner.

Remember the "Lawnmower Man?" Hell no, but I sure do remember the garlic and onion sandwich and the after party out on weed road burning stuffed bunnies.

Swany said...

Gee, Wild Willie. You'd think you'd be promoting this film more considering you're starring in it. Oh wait. that's Dennis Quaid. Got you confused again. Anyone think Willie has a slight resemblance?

As far as how bad this film will be, I'll buy everyone in the Kool-Aid Gang a round of beer if it stinks like my butt after I've had a tub of ice cream and a glass of milk.

Anonymous said...

That's a wager I'll take you up on. I have been told buy a few other people that I resemble Dennis Quaid. I have also heard from my students when I was teaching that I looked like Peter Parker (aka Toby Maguire).

Dutch said...

I've thought that you looked like Dennis Quaid for years. I think I've mentioned it before.