Thursday, April 17, 2008

Damn pornstars making us men feel inadequate...

Looks like we don't have to feel all that inadequate in comparison to Sting's all night long sexual exploits after all. A new study finds that the optimal amount of sexual intercourse is actually only 3 to 13 minutes (not including foreplay).

Dr. Irwin Goldstein, editor of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, cited a four-week study of 1,500 couples in 2005 that found the median time for sexual intercourse was 7.3 minutes. (Women were armed with stopwatches.)

It's difficult for both older men and young men to make sexual intercourse last much longer, said Marianne Brandon, a clinical psychologist and director of Wellminds Wellbodies in Annapolis, Md.

"There are so many myths in our culture of what other people are doing sexually," Brandon said. "Most people's sex lives are not as exciting as other people think they are."

Granted, this was all based on surveys of prior experiences. It's not like they gave the people in the study a night with Joe Two-Pump and a comparison night with someone who could last for hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe its the woman who only lasts that long, and her sounds cause a chain reaction if you know what I mean.

Or maybe it really is a whole lot like the honest R&B song we saw earlier this year on this blog.