Friday, May 29, 2009

A cautionary tale...

I'm not sure where this unaired episode of Tiny Toons came from, but I found it quite funny. Buster convinces Plucky and Hamton to join him in trying a beer resulting in the trio getting drunk of their asses...on one bottle of beer. I've heard of nursing a beer before, but how they manage to make this bottle last so long is amazing. And there's a part in this where Plucky comes across a police car they eventually steal that made me think he was about to say, "Oh, Maserati. Much better than my car. And what's this? Keys?!"

1 comment:

Dutch said...

Not just one beer, but one drink of that beer got them all drunk. Man, they have a worse tolerance than me.

I like how the sign read "Now leaving reality" after they drove a cop car out of a manhole.

Man, that cartoon makes me want a beer.