Monday, March 30, 2009

Consumption of My Time

Over the last few months and especially the last few weeks I have been spending most of my free time making this - a baptismal font for our church. After believing for many years in what most would think of as "Believer's Baptism," we changed our view to "Infant Baptism." This was a two and a half year process of internal debate. This is a whole other post though. I had a great time making the base. The pottery was made by someone else, but I designed the base around the bowl. The goal was to go with something that was organic much like the pottery. I am pretty pleased with it.

It is made from hard maple and it is three pieces of wood. If you want the best view then make sure to click on each picture. It highlights the grain better. You can also see more photos on my facebook page.


Swany said...

That's some impressive stuff you're making, Wild Willie. I can't even tell that's three separate pieces of wood.

I'm interested to read about this debate about baptism, too.

Dutch said...

You are quite the craftsman.