Thursday, January 22, 2009

My name is Deja Vu. Haven't we met somewhere before?

The Academy Awards nominees were announced today, and I guess it wasn't a surprise that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button got an Oscar nomination for Best Picture. And considering Forrest Gump won before, I figure Button must be a lock.  I still say David Fincher's movie was nice to watch, but didn't strike a deep chord with me.  What am I missing that everyone else seems to see?

And I can't believe The Dark Knight didn't pick up a Best Picture nod and Revolutionary Road was practically overlooked.  The Academy Awards suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. I remember seeing it in Austin around New Years and thinking that it was like Forrest Gump meets the Titanic. Little did I realize that it didn't even have to be married with Titanic to explain it.

I like Brad Pitt, and you are right about his roles with the more comedic stance. I did think he did a good job in the movie though.

However, you know the Oscars are political. He will probably win because of all the philanthropic stuff he has done. He is supposedly rebuilding a section devastated by Katrina. I think the Oscars kind of suck too, and I wonder how long before the Golden Globes supplant them as the desired award.

They did however get Slumdog Millionaire in the mix. The more I think about that movie the more I think it is in my top 5 all time. It is more about the story than anything though and how it seems to connect with me at this time in my life.