Thursday, November 13, 2008

Comic book geeks have no excuses anymore...

Much has been said about the historic victory Barack Obama achieved with his presidential election and it's effect on minority achievement.  I think I heard Will Smith say something on Oprah the other day that from his point of view, African-Americans now have no excuses not to strive for greatness.  I find this reassuring for my own future kids.  And now, I'm even more encouraged by the fact that Obama has raised the bar for another group of stereotyped underachievers--comic book aficionados.  What's the first thing mentioned on "the 50 facts you might not know" about Barack Obama?

He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics.
Heck, if the President of the United States and the leader of the free world can read comic books, well, so can I.


Anonymous said...


The first time it was understandable. The second time questionable. Now here we are with at least the third time you have referenced watching Oprah. I am appalled.

Truth be told, I don't know how many times you have referenced watching Oprah, but I would place money on it happening before.

Oh and the comic thing is pretty cool. He reminds me a lot of Frozone from the Incredibles.

Swany said...

Yeah, I occasionally catch a bit of Oprah when Lemon is watching a saved week's worth recorded on TiVo, and pay more attention when there's someone of interest on as a guest. As a result of my television addiction, I'll watch anything that happens to be on the tube. If they had a channel solely devoted to watching grass grow and I lost the remote, I'd probably still watch it.

As far as your reference to The Incredibles, I will now refer to Barack Obama as President Frozone on this blog from now on. Damn, he really does kind of look like him!

Anonymous said...

Fandango again.

this photo is from Metropolis, IL, right?
i had a consulting job there many moons ago, interesting little town.

Swany said...

I actually don't know where the picture is from. I found it on some random Google search, and seemed to fit the post topic.

Isn't there a real Smallville somewhere, too?

Swany said...

Oh, and can you not log in anymore, Fandango?

Anonymous said...

forgot my password when i had to switch to a gmail account (b/c i don't use it), can you reset my credential and i will do it again?