Thursday, May 8, 2008

I never thought I'd be watching G.I. Joe for the T & A...

Sienna Miller coming to visit Daniel Craig in his hotel room for a booty call with a bag of Agent Provocateur lingerie in tote during one scene in the film Layer Cake was probably the best form of blatant product placement ever in a movie.

I'm not sure what that actually has to do with the topic of this post, except it's a bad segway into talking about Sienna Miller. I kind of like her description of the upcoming film adaptation of G.I. Joe where she portrays The Baroness:

Guns, tits, ass, no acting!
I'm not sure if that adds up to a recipe for disaster or the greatest summer popcorn flick ever made.

Here's some more promotional shots of the various characters in the film. I'm sure Firecracker George will have all sorts of comments and eye-rolling to contribute about Storm Shadow. He kind of reminds me of those old Enter the Ninja movies from the 80's that I was never allowed to watch. And as a tangential aside, did you know that Kurt Thomas of Gymkata fame now runs some gymnastics center here in North Dallas? For all I know, he could have been right next to me in the grocery store line, ready to use the counter as some sort of pommel horse to roundhouse kick me.

Man, I need to think up some better material for my blog postings.

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