Monday, March 10, 2008

Another four years?

I was reading this article in The New York Times about some of the infighting and disorganization going on in the Clinton camp, and thought this kind of sounded familiar. It's like what most of the critics of the Bush administration complain about:

Still, interviews with campaign aides, associates and friends suggest that Mrs. Clinton, at least until February, was a detached manager. Juggling the demands of being a candidate, she paid little attention to detail, delegated decisions large and small and deferred to advisers on critical questions. Mrs. Clinton accepted or seemed unaware of the intense factionalism and feuding that often paralyzed her campaign and that prevented her aides from reaching consensus on basic questions like what states to fight in and how to go after Mr. Obama, of Illinois.

Mrs. Clinton showed a tendency toward an insular management style, relying on a coterie of aides who have worked for her for years, her aides and associates said. Her choice of lieutenants, and her insistence on staying with them even when friends urged her to shake things up, was blamed by some associates for the campaign’s woes. Again and again, the senator was portrayed as a manager who valued loyalty and familiarity over experience and expertise.

Just based on this article, I'm not sure Hillary sounds much more competent as a leader than George W. For all the hoopla about how the country needs a new kind of leadership and an end to cronies, I'm not sure the Democrats can provide it either if the Clintons were back in power.

And I actually find it kind of sad how the Dems are yet again screwing up a perfect opportunity to get some semblance of control in the government simply by a bunch of infighting. I'm not sure McCain has to do much except let the two Democratic nominees beat each other up until the Democratic Convention. And this whole debacle with the disenfranchised primary votes in Michigan and Florida--only the Democrats could create such a fiasco. You can always leave it up to the Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot and start the whole contest with a handicap.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, and did you hear about Clinton suing the Texas Democratic party because of how they do things. Kind of silly if you ask me. Work with the hand you have been given rather than change the rules of the game. Focus your efforts on winning.

Dutch said...

"Focus your efforts on winning."

I think this is what she has been doing all along. I think if she focused on being a more sincere person, she wouldn't have this negativity towards her.

She seems to be getting so desperate about losing the nomination to Obama I'm starting to question her motives for the presidency. I think she wants to be president so she can bang an intern and then tell Bill, "LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT, F*@%#R!"