Thursday, December 6, 2007

Go, Speed!

The new trailer for Speed Racer just came up tonight. It's a bit Dick Tracy-esque, but I think it will work a lot better for this movie. I'm already getting jazzed:

Alas, the closest I'll probably ever get to being Speed Racer in this world is dreaming about that ever elusive Lotus:

And did you know that the Lotus Elise/Exige is glued together--literally. At about 3:40 into this video, you'll briefly catch a glimpse of a Lotus factory worker with a bottle of glue, beading the adhesive onto a seam.

Someday. Someday.


Anonymous said...

For as far back as I can remember, you have always had a thing for this brand. Throught it all, I have become excited about it as well, but I feel like I am in a weird way doing you wrong. I liken it to hearing about a friend having a crush on a certain girl. By man rule you can't like that same girl. So I ask your permission, Swany, can I like this car too?

Swany said...

Can you dream of caressing it's fine curves, it's shapely frame, and think about how she'll thrust you into her seat as she takes you on a mind-blowing ride? Yeah, it's OK.