Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just gotta hope your would-be assailant doesn't get thirsty midway during the chase...

Some designer in Japan created these disguises to help potential crime victims allude muggers. Somehow, this vending machine costume fits under some flap in a woman's skirt, so she can simply pull it out and cover herself to hide if she's being chased. I suppose in a darkly lit city environment, this might work. Might be an easy way to make some cash, too. I've lost many a dollar bill on Coke machines that ate my money. Hmmm.


Dutch said...

I like this quote:

Mr. Kawakami said that while some of Japan’s anticrime devices might not seem practical, they were valuable because they might lead to even better ideas.

“Even useless things can be useful,” he said. “The weird logic of these inventions helps us see the world in fresh ways.”

Swany said...

I might have to make that the official motto of this blog.