The other day I stumbled upon a picture that as a Texas Longhorn fan scared me a little bit. It was a picture of the Oklahoma Landstealer, Adrian Peterson, looking rather buff after a workout as seen to the right.
As you can see this guy looks like he could run the ball wherever he chooses flicking defensive lineman and linebackers a side at will. My fear was well warranted considering he could do that for the most part anyway. And now with the added muscle, he was just going to wreak havoc on my beloved Texas Longhorns.
But then today, I come to find out that the picture has been photoshopped. After studying the picture a little (seen below), I must admit that whoever did the work did a fine job. This made me think back to one of Scootypuff Jr.’s statements a while back about Photoshop and its power.Even as an amateur I have easily and quickly turned myself into James Bond flanked by two Bond girls. I will save the laughter of this for some other time. But I will leave you with this thought. Don’t ever believe what you see on the internet!
Wow! They even gave him bigger pointier nipples. sooners have too much time on their hands! Did you see that Ramonce might be headed to Tyler???
Oh yeah...welcome! I have great expectations of this blog.
The more important question is (at least in my mind), which two Bond girls did you choose?
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