Thursday, November 20, 2008

Return of the Trekkies (or is that Trekkers?)

Anyone catch the trailer for the new Star Trek movie coming out next summer?  I've always thought Star Trek had the potential to overcome its nerdy reputation as a franchise only loved by supergeeks.  Then again, I think I'm still in denial as to how much of a dork I am.  Anywho, in this day and age when nerdy and geeky has become hip and cool, perhaps this is the perfect time for a Star Trek resurgence:


Anonymous said...

I happened to catch it the other day when for the first time since my birthday I made it to the theater. The trailer you have here is also the trailer before they played Quantum of Solace. After seeing the preview, I leaned over to my brother-in-law and said that I love previews. I think it looks awesome, but unfortunately I think I fit into the nerdy/geeky category too.

Speaking of awesome ... Quantum was not. I didn't like it as much as the last one.

I also saw another preview for this movie the other day when I got the chance to watch Ironman on DVD. That movie was awesome! So was the preview.

Question for all of you: After watching Tropic Thunder on DVD, I decided to peruse the extras. Downey looks at the camera and says that he needed something to fill his time after Ironman which is going to be a trilogy. Does he mean that Ironman is going to be a trilogy, or does the Hulk fit into that category?

Swany said...

I didn't like Quantum of Solace as much as the last on either, but I thought pieces of it worked well. I think it's a movie that you almost have to watch in combination with Casino Royale as sort of one whole movie to appreciate what the director was trying to do. I'll probably comment on that in a separate review post later. I will say, though, I think this was the only Bond film where he didn't bed the main Bond girl. I'm all for monogamous relationships and all, but you'd think he would have snuck in a little gratuitous formulaic hanky panky while they were stuck in the big cave/canyon--what else are you going to do to keep warm? Rebooted Bond or not, it's still James Bond.

As far as Iron Man, I think every big potential franchise has trilogy on the brain. The sequel is already in development (you can Google the controversy behind Don Cheadle being signed on to replace Terrence Howard as Rhodey), and I'd assume they'd just as quickly green light a third. But I think I've read that Robert Downey, Jr. isn't opposed to doing some additional cameos as well like he did in The Incredible Hulk for other films Iron Man might have a role in, such as The Avengers movie they have in the works.