Thursday, April 23, 2009

A snack from paradise or a morsel from hell?

When I first saw the world's largest Cheeto, I salivated with desire.  But then I realized how much surface area was being wasted and not being covered in dried cheesy goodness. 

World's Largest Cheeto and the Optimus Maximus from Gizmodo on Vimeo.

Friday, April 10, 2009

'Nuff Said

Now if the movie will just hold up...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

There must be a medical term for this...

As you all probably know, Battlestar Galactica ended two weeks ago.  I've probably written enough on this blog for you to figure out that I was quite fond of this show. I watch a lot of TV, but few shows really leave such a lasting impression on me. Many of you probably lost interest in the third season (or maybe even sooner) thinking they were building up too many questions and not enough answers, but I think Ronald D. Moore and the writers of BSG really tied up the whole series in the final stretch to a (mostly) satisfying conclusion. 

Alas, I find myself still on Friday nights the past couple of weeks a bit depressed, knowing BSG won't be on anymore.  My mood is kind of likened to Barack Obama as told by this recent article from The Onion:
Obama Depressed, Distant Since 'Battlestar Galactica' Series Finale

WASHINGTON—According to sources in the White House, President Barack Obama has been uncharacteristically distant and withdrawn ever since last month's two-hour series finale of Battlestar Galactica.

"The president seems to be someplace else lately," said one high-level official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Yesterday we were all being briefed on the encroachment of Iranian drone planes into Iraq, when he just looked up from the table and blurted out, 'What am I supposed to watch on Fridays at 10 p.m. now? Numb3rs?'"

"I haven't seen him this upset since Admiral Adama realized that Earth was actually an uninhabitable wasteland," the official continued. "Or at least that's what he told me. I don't actually watch the show. It's not really my thing."

Since the end of the series, Obama has reportedly brushed off key budgetary decisions, ignored his wife and children, and neglected his daily workouts, claiming that he no longer cares if he lets himself go "just like Lee did before the rescue on New Caprica."

In addition, sources confirmed that instead of meeting with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Monday, the depressed president sat alone in the Oval Office, scouring Internet message boards for posts by other fans about the series conclusion.
Yes, this article is a joke, yet it's not so funny considering I actually have spent some time "scouring Internet message boards" myself about the series finale.  Sigh...