Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The greatest swimmer ever...

Sure, Michael Phelps is getting all the Olympic glory this week in Beijing with all his gold medals and world records as he attempts to become the greatest Olympian of all time. But let's not forget the Olympic heroes in the pool of games past. Previous American swimmers like Mark Spitz and Matt Biondi, the great Ian "Thorpedo" Thorpe from Down Under--incredible athletes indeed. They don't hold a candle, though, to the amazing swimming prowess of Equitorial Guinea and "Eric the Eel." From Wikipedia:

Eric Moussambani, nicknamed "Eric The Eel" by the media after the name first appeared in an article by Craig Lord in The Times newspaper in London,[1] won brief international fame at the 2000 Summer Olympics when he swam his heat of the 100m freestyle in 1:52.72 and won, because the two other competitors Karim Bare and Farkhod Oripov were disqualified for taking a false start. His time was more than twice that of his faster competitors, and outside even the 200m world record. However he had set a new personal best and national record.


Anonymous said...

I could've done without the laugh track, but it did make me think about how you fill an olympic size swimming pool - Mark Spitz.

Dutch said...

Holy shit. He lifts his head out of the water to breathe.

He swims like my brother.

Dutch said...

It begs the question:

Did he even HAVE a coach?