Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dyson Phan

During my 36 hour stay at Logan airport two week ago (I want to start taking trains), I had one highlight in that I got to geek out with the hand dryers in the restrooms. Dyson, the vacuum manufacturer now makes hand dryers that actually work - well. I think it was called the airblade. Whatever it was called, I actually re-wet my hands a few times just to test it out.


Swany said...

I now pronounce thee an Official Knight of the Techno-Geek Order. Anyone that would take a picture in a bathroom no less is truly worthy of such a title.

I read about the Airblade awhile back. It seems almost a bit pathetic to admit that I'm actually quite envious that you got to dry your hands with one.

As far as riding trains, maybe I never told you the story of how I had to spend the night sleeping in the Philadelphia train station.

W.M. Scratch said...

They have several of these at the National Cathedral if you are ever in DC.

Wander said...

It's pretty, but does it give out bacon?

Dutch said...

I have to wonder, Wander, is that the question you asked yourself when selecting a mate?