Friday, May 23, 2008

Pork and Beans

Check out the sweet new Weezer video. Just about every pop internet viral reference is in it. It sounds like another great Weezer song and album that I will be getting.


Wander said...

Not only a great song, but a fantastic video. It shows that despite all our differences we all have this one strange connection through the internet; viral videos.
I'm very impressed by the idea, unfortunately South Park did pretty much the exact same thing making fun of all those same videos a couple of months ago.
I do like they got the actual viral "stars" for this though (especially the History of Dance guy, my wife watches that video once a week).

Dutch said...

Man I love Weezer. I can't think of anyone else who has the same mix of honesty, compassion, and (often self-directed) humor in their art.

That, and I just love the music.

Weezer is the shit.

Swany said...

My only disappointment is that Chuck Norris was not featured in this video.