Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Am Iron Man

I'm a little concerned about the lack of review for Iron Man by the Gang. Since no one else has posted on it, I'll give my two cents. It'll be short and to the point. And as I don't know how to add the cheese meter to the post, it will be lacking.
Here's the best praise I can give it. I saw it my second time yesterday, and I'm taking my Mom to see it Wednesday night and I am already excited I'm getting to see it a third time. Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark, will always be Tony Stark, and may have been born for the one purpose of playing Tony Stark.

And for those who've yet to see it, be sure to stay until after the credits for what very well may be the best comic related film scene ever put on celluloid. I embarrased my wife the first time seeing it by yelling wildly after it. My one saving grace, I was only one of about twenty people in the theater that excited over it.


Swany said...

I was working on my review, but never got around to finishing it. Maybe I'll post it later.

Firecracker George met me in Austin to catch it at the Alamo Drafthouse on 6th Street. I won't speak for him, but I thought it may have surpassed Spiderman as my favorite superhero movie of all time--Superman is still the benchmark, in my humble opinion.

There were a couple of negative points about the movie that I'll bring up in my own review, but nothing that had me eye-rolling or wanting to openly "comic book geek"-bash anyone as a compensatory maneuver to hide the fact that I'm a comic book geek.

Unfortunately, FG had already exited the theater when the credits started rolling. I kind of made a slower exit, noticing quite a few people were hanging around--a sure sign an Easter egg at the end would show up. I think Lemon saw me transform into Comic Book Geek before her very eyes as I giggled and went "DOOOOOD!!" and "SWEEEEET!!" and "HOLY FRAK!"

Swany said...

I am Tiger Woods.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you posted a movie review about this. I was wondering what yall thought. I have heard from other comic book fans that this was the real deal, but I have to hear it from the Gang before I really can determine if it is worth the time. I have not seen any movies lately, but I might have to call in some favors to get out of the house to see it.

Dutch said...

In terms of translation from pulp to celluloid, this is the best comic book movie ever.

Other than that, it's a great movie on its own. I'm probably going to go see it again, and I haven't done that in literally several years.

Superman the benchmark? Hmmmm, I'm not sure that I 100% agree, but Christopher Reeves is still the best cast as a super hero ever. As good as both Downey and Maguire are in that capacity, they still can't top Reeves. I think Reeves was perfection in that capacity.

Wander said...

Let's not forget the original Superman screenplay by Mario Puzo. That alone makes that film still stand head and shoulders above every other comic film. Even still, Iron Man has my vote for best comic based film in the last 30 years. And that is a hella long time.