Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is One Reason I Love the Clone Wars

This season's Clone Wars on the Cartoon Network has been titled Secrets Revealed. So far it hasn't revealed much in my opinion. This third season has paled in comparison to the first two seasons, which I really enjoyed. Today I saw something to give me hope though. Supposedly they will be revealing all sorts of Sith stuff including the origin of Darth Maul.

There is a small part of me that is reluctant to know more about Maul because not knowing is part of what makes him so cool. But that part of me is so small that given the opportunity to find out more I wouldn't hesitate. I hope Dave Filoni and Lucas come up with something really cool. What is really cool you ask? Well in Episode III when Palpatine and Anakin have their talk at the opera house, that was worth the whole first three movies in my opinion.

[It looks like Swany and Scratch will be the only ones to be able to learn any of this before the rest of us. That is with little travel, anyway.]

1 comment:

Swany said...

I haven't really kept up with The Clone Wars, but I managed to catch the screening here in Dallas where they showed the first three or four episodes of the upcoming season. The reaction of the guy sitting next to me of the big reveal regarding Darth Maul: "Oh sh%%%%%%t!"

Pretty cool stuff to look forward to. I'll be watching this season for sure.