Saturday, December 19, 2009

Closer and closer to a Star Trek universe...

Even with the convenience of laptops, iPhones, Kindles, and other gadgets, the experience of flipping through books and magazines still has not been replicated to a point that I actually enjoy using these devices for my reading. I still subscribe to a magazine or two, flip through the morning paper at work, and prefer buying a book at the bookstore over trying to read one on my iPhone. Apple is rumoured to be coming out with a tablet device in the coming months, though, and many magazine publishers are readying themselves for the eventual evolution of their medium to electronic displays. If they incorporate the design strategies outlined in this video, it might actually be another game-changer in how we consume information. I especially like how this guy has thought about the experience of a print magazine, and how it differs from what we get currently online through blogs and RSS feeds, apart from the obvious satisfaction of flipping through pages, and considering the magazine issue as a complete project with a beginning and an end rather than the endless stories we get through the Web.

Mag+ from Bonnier on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Dutch said...

Well, I'm sold.

Assuming they can make it, that is.